Tuesday, July 1, 2014

George St. Pierre - Rush Fit - 28 Day Challenge

I'm back! I took an unintentional 3 month break but now I'm back and ready for a new fitness challenge. Over my 3 month break my weight has fluctuated down to 153 and back up to 157.

This month I will be taking on George St. Pierre's "Rush Fit - Beginner Level" (28 days). I have tried Rush Fit in the past and I quit after two weeks. It's both tough physically and mentally (at least for me) but it does honestly work at shedding the pounds and building muscle.

It's a new month with new goals and I really want to challenge myself this month and see what I am truly capable of. I can't guarantee I will make it through 28 days or the first week for that matter but I'm going to try.

Per usual, I will document my journey through each day below:

Day 1
Today was the Strength and Endurance DVD. Don't be fooled, this series will make you sweat but its absolutely doable. Going into the first DVD of day 1 I automatically started feeling skeptical as to how long I will last. More than anything I know it will be an uphill climb mentally. You know what you're going to be in for each session and its so easy to talk yourself into skipping days and before you know it you stopped altogether. All I can do is take it one day at a time.

Each session starts out with a warm up which is nice especially for me as I haven't done any major physical activity as of late. One of the hardest things for me was holding that chair squat. After the first few seconds you feel the continuous burn! What I like about the series is that George does the workout with you, its not like other DVD's where you can see a scene break and the person on the screen never breaks a sweat. George was sweating up a storm and I won't lie, he was nice to look at! Onward to day 2!

Day 2
I woke up sore today but its only day 2 so I still feel determined. Today is Cardio day and I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and made sure to get my heart rate going. Lettuce wraps and pan seared tofu for dinner.

Day 3
Today was the Abdominal Strength & Core DVD. Is it a problem that I get winded during the warm up? Ab/Core day wasn't too horrible but it all depends on the size weights you use. I stuck with 5lb dumbbells because mainly those are all I have. All was well, that was until I reached round 5. It was terrible, I was tired and the last thing I wanted to do at the end of round 5 were those damn mountain climbers. As far as today's meal, for dinner I had pasta which I know I shouldn't have. I'm just hoping today's workout burned it off.

Day 4
Today was cardio and the Stretch for Flexibility DVD. Starting off the day I was feeling sore from yesterdays session and was not looking forward to today's session. This morning I did my 30 min cardio at the gym with the elliptical and it felt like the minutes were dragging on. Before dinner I did the Stretch for Flexibility DVD and to my pleasant surprise it was very easy. The stretches felt good on my sore muscles, some of the moves were the same as the moves in the cool down. I'm proud of myself today for not giving in to laziness.

Day 5
I took one look at the calendar and knew that I was going to be miserable during today's workout session. Today was the Fight Conditioning Workout DVD. It started out easy enough but soon got harder and there are no breaks. Be glad that you can do these DVD's in the privacy of your own home because today's session requires a lot of coordination. I know I looked like a total moron as I fumbled through a few of the moves. I pushed through this session and I feel good afterwards.

Today was cardio, I did 30 minutes in the gym and the Balance and Agility DVD. Today's session was a different kind of hard. I feel live I've been sore every day this week and the jumping moves in the DVD did a number on my calves. The balance moves were not too bad for me but the jumping and crawling moves made me sweat. Tomorrow is a rest day, yay!

Day 7 
Rest Day!

Day 8
The week starts over and we are back to the Strength and Endurance DVD. I worked a very long day and I was not in the mood to workout but nonetheless I was able to do it. Compared to the other DVD's I had to do last week today's DVD was surprisingly pleasant. I grumbled during the squats but still did them. I know what you are thinking, that I complain a lot which I do not deny but the difference is, I'm still doing the workouts and haven't given up yet. One of the pro's of today is that I did my daily workout, one of the cons of today is that I had take out for dinner which was a lot of carbs.

Day 9
Cardio day. 30 minutes of Cardio seemed easy today.

Day 10
We are back to the Abdominal Strength and Core DVD. It was apparent today that my core needs a lot of work. I had trouble with those glute bridges and near the ending rounds I was starting to wobble when doing anything plank related. I was feeling good in the beginning of the session, I had a lot of energy and was able to keep up. Near the end I continued to push through but Im pretty sure I went into survival mode, my mind kept repeating Eric Thomas quotes, "don't cry to give up, cry to keep going..." and "pain is temporary..." I felt the pain today!

Day 11
Rest Day!!

Day 12
I forgot to update my blog entry last night! But yesterday was the Fight and Conditioning Workout DVD. I looked at the calendar yesterday and was disappointed it wasn't something easy like stretching. I procrastinated my workout the entire day but finally about 3 or 4 hours before bed I put in the DVD and did the workout.

Day 13
Day 13 was Cardio and the Balance and Agility DVD. For my Cardio I swam laps in the pool, as for the DVD session of the workout, I multitasked and ran the DVD on my laptop and watched a rerun episode of American Ninja Warrior at the same time (I was still able to follow along without hearing commentary). The session was at a slow enough pace in the beginning for me to watch American Ninja Warrior (and to the guy who wore the skin tight gold outfit, we could have done without seeing your penis more or less flapping in the wind, thanks). Once we got to the ground work and the crawling, I was not able to multitask any longer. But that was okay because it was a rerun episode of my show. As far as eating healthy I am doing terrible! But at the very least I have not missed a workout session on the calendar.

Day 14
Rest day!

Day 15
I worked a 12 hour day and right after work I put it the DVD and did my daily workout. Today was the Strength and Endurance DVD, which wasn't too bad at all. One of the things that I still cannot do is the pop-ups and so I end up doing some variation during that part. One of the improvements is that I was able to keep up with most of the push-ups. That chair squat is still extremely tough, I can only hold it for a few seconds at a time.

Day 16
Cardio day - 30 minutes on the elliptical machine.

Day 17
Today was the Fight Conditioning Workout DVD and today my heart wasn't in it. Everyone has those moments when their life feels like its on a downward tailspin. That is how my week is feeling. I did the workout but I did it half-hearted. My squats were robotic, my sprawls and my jabs were lazy. I probably moved 10 times slower than I did on my other days. I'm trying to keep my chin up during the bad/stressful times. All I can do is work harder tomorrow.

Day 18
Today is not a rest day but I am moving my rest day to today. I need a mental rest day due to life stress.

Day 19
Picking up where I left off, due to my unscheduled rest day yesterday I am doing the Abdominal Strength and Core DVD today. It went well, taking a rest day yesterday, today's session felt easier and I felt well rested before hand. One of the hardest things still for me is the glute bridges. The backbend I do a variation, I can do a backbend but I don't like to, it feels like all the blood rushes to my head. The mountain climbers were slow going, those really make my legs burn.

Day 20
Today was cardio and the Stretch for Flexibility DVD. I did 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical and the DVD was very easy. The stretches felt good like an "Ahhh... that hits the spot" type feeling. I skip the cool down because a lot of the moves of the main workout were the same and I felt the workout was slow paced enough to not need a cool down.

Day 21
It was an exciting day, I got to unwrap another DVD, the Full Body Strength and Conditioning DVD. But unwrapping the plastic is where the excitement ended. Once Eric said that you will feel lactic acid throughout your entire body my eyes got wide and I could already feel the pain that was to come. First five minutes I was getting winded and my arms were getting wobbly on the Hindu Pushups. It was go-go-go throughout the entire workout and my 5lb weights were starting to feel like mini boulders. But I'm not going to lie, this DVD is tough but it feels good afterwords. One of the pros of today's session, lots of close ups of Georges biceps!

Day 22-28
I absolutely fell off the wagon after day 22 and I feel terrible about it. There are many things I can say  that contributed to me dropping off on the last week but truth be told those are just excuses. All in all, I lost a total of 4 lbs, keep in mind I did not eat healthy at all. I did feel like I was getting stronger and my husband said I was looking trimmer.

I am planning on trying the next calendar of Rush Fit, weeks 4-8, but will most likely have to start that at the beginning of the week.

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