Monday, August 26, 2013

30 Day Yoga Challenge

I was browsing some health and fitness videos on youtube the other day and came across one of the videos for the 30 Day Yoga challenge by I tried the first video to see if it was do-able and to my surprise it wasn't horrible. I have never done yoga before and I am not as flexible as I once was. I have very tight muscles from having a desk job and sitting for hours and hours a day. I took the plunge and signed up for the yoga challenge. I will document my daily challenge accomplishments and thoughts here:

Day 1
Not horrible. As I was doing video 1 I noticed my body was making some cracking noises. Of course nothing was breaking or felt overly uncomfortable, I am pretty sure it was my stiff and tight muscles finally getting a good stretch and it felt good! Some of the yoga poses I learned today I would like to do daily for the mere fact that it felt good on my back.

Day 2
Let me start off by saying that the yoga instructor Erin Motz makes this look easy! During today's video, we held poses for a little longer and I definitely felt it. My arms started getting shaky during downward dog. There was a lot of stretching for my legs and not being flexible, I felt it! At some point I started to form beads of sweat across my forehead.

Day 3
I am grateful that today did not include long downward dog poses. My arms are still tender from yesterdays session. That is one thing about yoga, it looks low impact so you think you wouldn't feel the effects of the workout afterwards but the next day you wake up sore! Or maybe its just because I am a beginner. Todays session was relaxing. I laugh to myself at the examples instructor Erin provides on how to explain the pose. They are surprisingly accurate and descriptive. Like your "a dog at a fire hydrant" or "turning the pages of a book".

Day 4
Today was not a fun day for my abs. If someone were to watch the video, the movements looks deceptively easy. But following along with the video is a another story. Although it was a short video today, your abs are going to feel it. Tomorrows video will focus again on abs! Its Day 4 and I still feel determined to complete this 30 day challenge.

Day 5
Today focused on the core. So naturally it included a lot for downward dog and planking. This was pretty tough for me, I had to pause the video a few times to steal a quick rest. Am I the only one whose palms start to hurt from doing downward dog? During the session I felt miserable, but after the session I feel amazing and accomplished. Tomorrows session will focus on the lower back which I'm very excited about.

Day 6
Easy session today which is nice for a relaxing Saturday morning. I am glad I have the opportunity to do these videos in the privacy of my own home because some of the poses makes me feel like I look ridiculous. Today was focused on stretching the back which I enjoyed as I have a very tight back. I did add on a cobra pose at the end because so far that is my favorite pose to stretch out my back. We get a glimpse of what to expect next session, let me just say, I hope I don't fall on my face!

Day 7
Is it just me or did Erin look slightly tired today? Regardless, she's still beautiful and whooped my butt at yoga. Today's session was more of a tutorial on how to do crows pose. My attempt at home was a total fail. I don't think I positioned my legs correctly on my arms to properly get myself off the ground or I'm just not strong enough. I did cheat in the end and used the wall for assistance, mainly to hold myself up. I only held myself up for a handful of seconds before my arms started to burn and wobble. This is one of those things you will need to practice everyday and strengthen your arms. At the end of the session I added on my own stretches. One thing I also noticed is that Erin didn't do her ending 'Namaste' closing. I also took it upon myself to add that part to the end of my session mainly because I am the type of person that has a need for closure.

Day 8
Great session today, lots of back stretching. Today Erin showed us how to do a backbend and different variations depending on how flexible you are. Erin does give a disclaimer which pretty much says know your limits and don't hurt yourself. I was successfully able to do a backbend which I already knew I could but I wasn't nearly as flexible as Erin, she's like a human rubber band! At the very end of the session I even practiced my crow pose we learned yesterday for a minute or two. That one, still needs practice.

Day 9
Does anyone else enjoy the opening music to the videos? I know I do, it puts me in a happy mood. Today we worked on our balance. When you hold the tree pose for long period of time you do start to feel it burn in your leg. During some of the poses I did feel slightly rushed, mostly because I wanted to hold the pose longer because it felt nice. It is a video so I could have hit pause at anytime but I didn't want to ruin the flow of the session. Overall good session, day 9 and I'm still hanging in there.

Day 10
We all have those days where we just don't want to get out of bed. Today was that day for me. Although, I did manage to drag myself out of bed, turn on my computer and get to my yoga. Today was an easy day doing stretches and I think my body is starting to open up and be less tight. After the session I feet awake and ready to tackle the day.

Day 11
Todays session was a very relaxing and quiet session. We still got in a good lower back stretch but there was no rushing and no constant movement from one pose to the next. The most challenging thing for me this session was quieting my mind. I must have A.D.D, my mind is constantly thinking about 10 things at a time. When Erin had us quiet our mind and relax for a long period of time, for a minute there I forgot I was doing yoga and started to think about work. This of course defeated the whole purpose of the exercise which is relaxing and de-stressing.

Day 12
Great session today. I was a little surprised when it was focused on the hands and wrists but when I actually started doing it, it was enjoyable! These stretches I will definitely do often. At work I am constantly typing away and after work I'm always on my phone. So these stretches felt really good and if you think about it, your hands and wrists tend to get neglected and they do a lot of work. Erin did great explaining the moves.

Day 13
Easy session to start off a relaxing Saturday! Although, I did stretch areas I probably have not stretched in 20 years. At the end of the session I added on an extra cobra pose (my favorite) and a few other back stretches that Erin taught us. My back was feeling tighter than normal from stressful workday yesterday.

Day 14
To say I slept in today would be an understatement. What is usually my morning yoga turned into my late lunch yoga. Today was a good day for the lower half focusing on leg stretches. Erin said this video is for all the runners out there which I can see how these stretches would feel really good after a run. The movements were easy, although if your like me and every muscle in your body feels tight, the movements will feel uncomfortable but in a good way.

Day 15
The half way point has been reached! Today's session required more effort per the norm as we went through a flow of constant movement. Do not be deceived, even though the movements look easy you may find that your breathing harder than normal, at least I did. Along with getting in a good stretch I could feel my muscles in my legs getting use when holding the poses. Erin hints that next session will involve doing the splits. Should I put the ambulance on speed dial now?

Day 16
Today's session Erin shows us how to ease our way into the splits. Let me start off with the fact that my full splits was an epic fail. Although, I knew this was going to be the case going in (I'm not that flexible). The stretches Erin gave us is very helpful but it would take daily practice for me to eventually one day get to a full split. Anyone else have any luck the first time around?

Day 17
I really enjoyed the pace of today's session. Not too fast to where I felt like I was constantly catching up to get into pose, not too slow. Just the right speed to be able to enjoy every pose and not feel rushed. Tomorrows session will be a faster pace.

Day 18
I did sweat a little during this session, but I wasn't sure if it was the constant movement or if its because its hot and humid today! The movements in today's session were similar to yesterdays except the pace was faster. Erin looks so graceful when she moves through the poses. As for myself I feel like my limbs are shooting out in the air awkwardly. One of my accomplishments today is that I can now touch my toes with ease! I'm convinced its because my body is starting to relax and loosen from the daily yoga.

Day 19
Today's sessions involved doing twists. It was a relaxing session and it felt good. The only part that was tough for me was the twist that involved a one hand downward dog. I don't know if its because I am not strong enough to hold myself up with one hand or if its just my balance (or maybe a combo of both), I was wobbly. Great session to start off the day.

Day 20
This morning I needed to run an errand so my usual morning Yoga got pushed to after lunch which was a bad idea. Today's session involved a lot of planks and a lot of downward dog. On a normal day its tough for me to hold a plank or downward dog for more than a minute. But since I moved my session to after lunch I had a very full stomach. When I did my planks I felt like I was carrying a bowling ball. We did learn a new pose which is dolphin which i surprisingly liked. Next session we are doing headstands. I'm a little worried my headstand will turn out the same way as my crow pose, which was a fail.

Day 21
Today's session eases us into a headstand. To start off the session we held downward dog for a longer period of time, you definitely will feel it. I felt it burn in my shoulders. Erin makes headstands look so easy, as easy as walking! My headstand attempt did not go well but I didn't want to force myself into one and inadvertently end up hurting myself. I did like how Erin used her forearms to work with her during the headstand.

Day 22
Today's session was very easy and very relaxing which is good for me because I think i have a case of the Monday's. The stretches were easy and ones that everyone should know. I did notice that my left side doesn't stretch as easy as my right side. Its hard to believe that our yoga challenge is soon coming to an end soon. The days are now ticking down!

Day 23
This morning I woke up with a crick in my neck from sleeping weird. To my pleasant surprise our yoga session today focuses on the neck and upper back. Easy poses for the most part and many were ones we should be familiar with already. There was one pose where Erin wrapped her arm around her back and rested her hand on her inner thigh. How was that possible!? My arm could only make it to my back. The best pose for me this session was near the end where we inner locked our arms in front of our body, it gave a good stretch to my shoulders.

Day 24
Relaxing morning yoga today. Today is the first time I think I did my 'rib circles' correctly. For one of the poses, for the longest time I thought Erin was saying 'cat calls' or 'cat cals'. Although, I did some research online and I think she's saying 'cat cows'.

Day 25
Today's session went faster paced than we are usually accustomed to. Although, we focused on sun salutation so the flow of movements was easy to get a hang of. The pose where it looks like you are sitting in an indivisible chair will make your legs burn, but we don't hold it for very long. Did anyone notice Erin's crazy yoga pants? It looked like she got attacked by a tiger.

Day 26
Today's session we did yoga in a chair! This session was geared towards those who work in an office or those that are in a cramped space in general. This was perfect for me as I sit at a desk working on a computer the majority of every workday. The moves were easy and don't draw much attention if you were to do these in public.

Day 27
Today's session focused on stretching the IT bands. I had no idea what an IT band was so I just did a quick google search. These stretches will probably feel the best after a long run. Erin is really good at explaining the pose step-by-step which I feel is one of her many strengths. Erin's pants today reminded me of a space nebula.

Day 28
In today's session we learned how to do Dancer Pose. I must point out that Erin had on a very cute top in today's session, it was very pretty. Most of the moves are ones that we already should know. I thought I had good balance but when I tried the dancer pose I was  a bit wobbly. I could not get my leg as high up as Erin but definitely could feel the benefit of the pose. It felt like it was working a lot of muscles.

Day 29
Its Monday and today's session was just my speed. It was great, all I had to do the entire time was lay on the floor and relax! Today's session focused on yoga for better sleep. I would say the most important aspect of this session is learning to quiet your mind and to let go of the days worries and activities. Only one day left of the challenge, not sure how I feel about it all coming to an end. Erin mentioned that tomorrows session is a surprise.

Day 30
I have reached and completed day 30 of the 30 day yoga challenge. This is the first time I have stuck with a challenge and not given up in the first 2 weeks. I made it a part of my daily routine to include yoga with Erin. I feel accomplished to be able to finish a challenge for the very first time. Thank you Erin Motz for being an amazing yoga instructor and thank you for making these series of videos free for us online!

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