Monday, December 2, 2013

30 Day Healthy Eating Challenge

Hello Friends,

Its a start of a new month and a start of a new goal. For the month of December I am issuing myself a 30 day healthy eating challenge. I am one of those people who struggle to eat consistently healthy. I always end up caving and saying "F*@# this, I'm eating cake!"

The things I know:

  • Processed foods are bad.
  • The more fruits and vegetables you eat the better. 
  • Sugar feeds cancer ( that white stuff in your kitchen that's as addictive as crack)

My Challenges:

  • Maintaining motivation.
  • Stress eating. 
  • Saying no to sweets. 
  • Limiting my carbs.
My goal is to lose weight by eating healthy and having most of my meals look like this.

Join me on my self issued 30 Day Healthy Eating Challenge. Below I will document my thoughts, feelings, successes, struggles and end results. 

Starting weight - 158

Day 1 - December 2nd
Right off the bat I realized that lack of planning will surely be my downfall. I woke up on Monday and thought, "Hey, lets start a new healthy eating challenge." I ended up scrambling every meal figuring out what to eat. As a result my meals turned out healthy but boring and bland. My goal for the day was to at least plan what I would eat on Tuesday.

Not only was my lack of meal planning a challenge but since deciding to do the challenge was spur of the moment I had temptation everywhere. Cookies on the counter, cheeze-it snacks near by. When I was watching my nightly show before bed my kid was eating a small bag of Doritos chips. I just wanted to eat one and I really debated with myself, "its just one Dorito it wont make a difference". I am proud of myself that I didn't cave. It was day 1 of the challenge after all and didn't want to be a failure from the starting line. I ended up going to bed, albeit a little cranky.

If this is how day 1 was like, I'm a little skeptical in how far Ill make it into the challenge.

Day 2 - December 3rd
Day 2 was a lot easier than day 1. Planning my meals for the day helped a lot. The meal I was most proud of and surprised by was tuna pancakes. Who would have guessed something so simple and healthy would be so delicious! I did notice I was frequently hungry through the day. It seemed like I was constantly in the kitchen whipping up a meal. Not in a bad way necessarily as I enjoy tinkering in the kitchen but more of a surprising way, "Didn't I just eat, why am I hungry again?"

One of the things I did notice on Day 2 was that my stomach never felt heavy. Before the challenge, after I would eat I would have that feeling like I was carrying a bowling ball around in my stomach. Day 2 even though I had frequent meals my stomach still felt light.

My challenge for the day, near bedtime I had the strong urge to eat something crunchy and something sweet. I ended up eating a few mixed nuts but still had that craving feeling. Like an itch I couldn't scratch. I'm hoping that I can come up with some sort of healthy snack that with satisfy those cravings in the future.

Day 3 - December 4th
Day 3 wasn't too bad. For the most part everything went smoothly and I didn't feel much temptation but I have to admit that none of my meals today blew my mind. I ended up making a late night grocery run (which I normally only shop when there is sunlight) because I ran out of healthy food options. Last night before bed I researched a few recipes which is a double edge sword. I'm able to get ideas for different types of healthy meals but I start to get hungry watching all those cooking videos online.

Day 4 - December 5th
Day 4 was a very successful day. I did not have any temptations outside the normal healthy food I've been eating. I threw some chicken breasts into a crockpot which turned into a healthy meal for me and even my kid had fun sprinkling seasoning on the chicken. During dinner I had lettuce wraps which turned out amazing. I was surprised at how filling and satisfying it was.

Day 5 - December 6th
Day 5 was overall a good day as far as maintaining my motivation. I did have a few food recipe fails. My version of banana peanut butter ice cream was a fail. It did not taste good enough to fool my mind into thinking it was real ice cream and I didn't particularly enjoy the texture. It went into the trash after a couple of bites. For dinner, I was trying to prepare poached fish, something I have made many times before. When I went to taste it, it tasted off. I was worried maybe the fish might have gone bad so out of paranoia it also went into the trash. I ended up having a big salad for dinner (which tasted delicious).

Day 6 - December 7th
Another successful day down in the books. We purchased a Costco rotisserie chicken and not only was it delicious it was cheap and hassle free. I even have enough left over for a whole meal for the next day. Another success is that I was able to find something that satisfied my sweets craving, pineapple! The one I purchased was so perfectly ripe and was as sweet as candy. Another success, my husband offered me M&M's and I shot him down without even having to think about it twice. Its days like these where it doesn't even feel like a challenge.

Day 7 - December 8th
Its the end of my first week eating healthy. For someone who was skeptical at the very start of the challenge I am proud that I made it past week one. I know it will get harder to maintain the motivation to keep eating healthy as the days continue but the most I can do is take it one day at a time.

Today was another good day. My husband bought a whole box of doughnuts and offered me one and I once again turned the temptation down. Why my husband keeps offering me junk food when he knows that I'm trying to eat healthy is beyond me. If he keeps it up surely one of these days I'm going to punch him in the balls. Recipes I want to try in  week 2 is Korean bulgolgi from scratch and a healthy version of stuffed green bell peppers.

Day 8 - December 9th
Day 8 was a long and stressful day at work. I'm happy to report I did not binge eat but I did end up skipping breakfast which I know is not a good thing to do. For the most part I managed to be on point with my meals.

As it was a cold day I wanted something warm so I ended up eating some Miso soup (the brand I use contains no MSG). I suppose we can debate whether or not Miso soup is considered healthy. But given the grand scope of all the unhealthy things I used to eat (i.e. chocolates, doughnuts, pizza, potato chips, french fries etc.) I'm going to go ahead and place Miso soup in my healthy category.

I am losing weight but as far as the number, I want to keep it a secret until the end of the challenge and as a side note, I do try to do moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes a day (walking, yoga etc).

Day 9 - December 10th
Day 9 was a pretty straight forward day. One thing I did notice is that I did not have  much of an appetite. Maybe its all the snow that's making me want to curl under a blanket and hibernate. For dinner my husband was craving lasagna so he purchased a pre-made one from the store. I created his dinner plate and told him I was going to eat something else because lasagna is not healthy (the pre-made processed frozen section stuff). He looked at me surprised and said, "Lasagna isn't healthy?" [sigh....Men....]
I ended up having vegetable stir fry for dinner which was perfect as I wasn't overly hungry in the first place.

Day 10 - December 11th
Day 10 was a good day although I still didn't have much of an appetite. One food I am absolutely getting tired of is scrambled egg whites. It's getting to the point where the texture starts to disgust me. Instead for breakfast I'll eat cottage cheese with strawberries. During dinner I wasn't in a meat mood, is that weird? So instead of a portion of meat I replaced it with a baked sweet potato and my sides were green veggies. It sounds so simple but at the time it was extremely satisfying.

One important thing I do want to mention is that ever since I've been making an effort to eat healthier, I no longer have stomach pain. Before my challenge it was normal for me to feel stomach aches often after I would eat and I just blamed it on IBS (don't we all?) I am so amazed at how great my stomach feels lately, it must be a good sign!

Day 11 - December 12th
Day 11 was an overall success. Its getting easier to eat healthy I don't feel the same snack temptations as when I first started the challenge. I'm hoping this is a sign of a possible permanent lifestyle change. But I shouldn't jump the gun, short term goal, just get through the challenge. Permanent lifestyle changes I'll deal with after.

Tonight I made Korean bulgolgi. I cant say that it came out authentic but I can say that it came out delicious! I'm thinking of trying the same bulgolgi marinade with tofu instead of beef. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Lately I've been researching healthy holiday treats. Christmas is coming after all and I want to have a healthy festive snack. If I find any good ones, I'll be sure to post them!

Day 12 - December 13th
Day 12 was overall good but I did hit a couple speed bumps emotionally. It was a stressful day and my husband has a talent for saying the wrong things at the wrong times. Normally when I'm upset I would emotionally eat all the junk food in sight. What I am thankful for is that even though I was upset I was still able to remember and recognize all the hard work I've put in so far and I didn't want all that to go down the drain. So what I did instead was headed to the bedroom for some 'alone' time.

Other than that my meals were pretty straight forward but I am experimenting a lot with vegetable pancakes. It probably sounds disgusting but its actually really good!

One of the things I've also found is if you are craving juice instead try drinking coconut water. It's good for you and has a subtle sweet taste.

Day 13 - December 14th
What a day... For breakfast I had my normal cottage cheese and side of fruit. For lunch instead of chicken lettuce wraps I made tofu lettuce wraps and it turned out pretty good. After lunch, this is where my day starts to go down hill.

My husband once again buys doughnuts because he is craving doughnuts. I look at them and they look pretty, red with colorful sprinkles, it reminded me of Christmas. So in passing I say "those look good!" I was not at all tempted by the doughnuts I was just making a general statement that they looked good. My husband says that I should eat one and I decline saying I'm trying to eat healthier. He says I should just at least have half of one and I once again say no. This is where he starts to give me attitude and says, "Just eat one! It's not going to make a difference after 30 days your just going to get fat again!" This is where I'm about to lose my sh!t and wanted to eat a doughnut so he'd shut the f*#ck up but thankfully I just removed myself from the situation and went into the bedroom. What a jackass. Maybe in the end he ends up being right and after the challenge I end up gaining 500 lbs and start looking like Jabba the Hutt. But what a f*#ked up thing to do to sabotage someone whose making an active effort to be healthier. In attempt to not fill up this blog entry with expletives I will summarize and simply say that it was very hurtful.

But I made it through the day, sticking to my goal. For dinner I ate my stuffed bell pepper and excluded rice because I'm trying to minimize carbs.

What will tomorrow bring?

Day 14 - December 15th
I completed week two of the challenge and my motivation to complete all 30 days of the challenge is still high. Every once in a while when I hit an emotional low I think back to that Disney movie Meet the Robinsons and decide to "Keep moving forward".

One of my huge food finds in week 2 is that I came across a green smoothie recipe I really liked. You cant taste the spinach at all and its extremely easy to whip up.

This recipe came from the website

Green Smoothie
1 medium banana peeled, quartered and frozen
1/2 c mixed frozen berries
1 tbsp flaxseed
1 tbsp peanut butter
1/2 to 3/4 cup vanilla almond milk
2 cups fresh spinach

Onward to week 3!

Day 15 - December 16th
Day 15 was a straightforward day. Now that I have found a tasty green smoothie I am so tempted to drink it all the time. The only thing stopping me is that I read eating too much spinach and foods that are high in oxalate's is bad for you and can create kidney stones. That brings me to my question, exactly how much is too much? I couldn't find a clear answer.

One of the foods that I'm absolutely in love with eating at the moment is avocados. I know that eating too many will have the reverse effect in what I'm trying to accomplish so I try hard to eat them in moderation but they are just so darn tasty!

Day 16 - December 17th
I am half way through my challenge! Temptation is at a all time high with the holidays looming. We just received an assortment of cookies in the mail and I want to eat all of them. Let's see how long I can hold out.

I'm still experimenting with smoothies. Instead of a green smoothie I tried a red smoothie which mainly consisted of strawberries, almond milk, touch of honey and water. It actually turned out pretty good. Still in love with the pre-made rotisserie chicken from the store. On my lazy days it is my go-to meal.

I don't know if its just mental, but I feel overall different, healthier and thinner. I feel like I have more energy. I bought a top from Gap before I started the challenge which was a little tight around the arms and when I put it on the other day it felt loose on me.

So the real test for the last half of the challenge is if I can raise the bar and up my exercise. Why not go out with a bang?

Day 17 - December 18th
I'm back to my breakfast of strawberries and cottage cheese. As far as my other meals of the day I've been eating left over chicken I had. Now I do have to admit, I had a cookie! I had one 100 calorie chocolate chip cookie and it did not taste as good as it looked. Would I call this a total fail? Not necessarily, I think it would be a total fail if I quit and stop trying. I did up my workout yesterday and made it more high intensity (hoping to counter that cookie I had). I do hope I don't relapse completely and have cookies everyday. My overall goal is to still eat healthy and be healthy. Considering I found my first white hair on my head the other day, its just a reminder I'm not getting any younger. It important to me that I continue to try and start making investments in my health.

Even when you hit bumps in the road, keep moving forward!

Day 18 - December 19th
Day 18.... In previous posts I expressed how great I felt and how my stomach didn't hurt like it used to. Day 18 was a bad bad day. My stomach felt off and uneasy all day. In the back of my mind I blame that 100 calorie cookie I ate on day 17!  See that, cookies = poison! I also think it's a combo of my workout on day 17, I did some tough ab exercises. Nevertheless, on day 18 I didn't eat much but I did drink a few cups of chamomile tea.

In my mind I keep asking myself questions, am i allergic to something in cookies, gluten maybe?

Day 19 - December 20th
It's that time, the time when all the Christmas parties start to hit. I attended a Christmas party that had lots of food but what was nice is they had chicken and grilled vegetables. It was delicious and healthy. The hard part is trying to say no to all the yummy stuff, ice cream, pie, cake, fried chicken, punch, cheese and crackers.

On a different note, I keep finding myself at the grocery store. I have gone to the store 3 times this week and I normally go only once a week. Is it just me or is produce prices inflated? It cost more money to eat healthy! It's a conspiracy....

Day 20 - December 21th
We're getting closer to the holidays and my mind is going on vacation mode which means I want to be lazy and watch TV all day. I did manage to go to the gym and had a good workout. As far as food, I noticed that my watermelon I recently purchased has a suspicious hole on the rind (green outside part). I'm now paranoid that when I cut into the watermelon I'll find a worm or some sort of disgusting parasite that has burrowed its way in there. I also made one of my green smoothies which I've decided to have once a week. For some reason today my smoothie turned out to be brown instead of green. I am in love with strawberries at the moment. Why do they have to taste so good but be so expensive?

Day 21 - December 22th
Earlier this week I was at an all time high and doing great. At the end of this week I feel like I'm at war with wanting to eat healthy and be healthy but want to over indulge in and eat all these delicious holiday treats. Is the holidays my kryptonite? Through the day I've been eating healthy but I had a treat and ate some cheese cake :(  I just hope that all the hard work I did the first three weeks is not erased. Next week is my last week, I hope I can hold it all together. At the end of this challenge I want to weight less than what I started at!

Day 22 - December 23th
I did not document this day right away and I am unsure what went on. I have not gained or lost any weight so any slip ups I have had at this point currently are not showing.

Day 23 - December 24th
Day 23 Christmas Eve, this day had its ups and downs. I ate healthy, had my chicken (I am always eating chicken!). Made my strawberry smoothie (healthy version).  The only down side is that I made and decorated cookies with my kid and I ate 3 huge frosting filled cookies. I have not worked out for 2 days because I'm in la-la-land being on vacation.

Day 24 - December 25th
Merry Christmas! Unfortunately for me, this is going in the books as one of the worse days ever. From the moment I opened my eyes the day quickly spiraled into a black hole of despair. I did not eat anything until about 8pm. When I'm sad and depressed I tend not to eat  :(  but when I did finally eat I did have a chicken sandwich with avocado, a small bag of potato chips and a side of pineapple. I wanted to end the challenge going out with a bang but its quickly turning into a tragic tale.

Putting one foot in front of the other... onward we go....

Day 25 - December 26th
Still didn't workout today I hope I get out of this rut very soon. I know it's all a matter of just getting up and doing. The hard part is the "doing" part. Today i did eat the most delicious mango I've had in a long time. It seemed so perfectly ripe and sweet. The only thing I dislike about mangos is that the little fibers get stuck in my teeth. I did eat steak for dinner with a side of mashed potatoes. I've been eating more carbs than I normally do which is a problem especially if I haven't been going to the gym/working out. My immediate goal is to change my mind set and push harder.

Day 26 - December 27th
The morning went well, I had some eggs and avocado for breakfast. My mood shifted to being a little happier than I was the days prior. But in all honestly everything went to hell during dinner time, I ate pizza. It was so bad for me but it tasted so good! This challenge is spiraling out of control, I could have lied and said I didn't have pizza but this is real life and ups and downs happen. My goal for tomorrow is to have a hard workout to cancel out any damage that pizza did. Only a few days left in the challenge but I hope in the long run I can make a mostly permanent change and eat at least 80% healthier than I did before starting the challenge.

Day 27 - December 28th
I can't remember if day 27 was a good day or a bad day. For breakfast I had a mango. and it wasn't as delicious as the previous mango I had. It is sort of hit and miss when it comes to having it as ripe as I like it. Fo lunch I did have about a cup of rice, my favorite carb is rice. It goes with everything but it has nothing to offer as far as nutrients. I ate a very late dinner, I created my simple version of okonomiyaki.

Once in a while when I'm watching TV I see these celebrities who have personal chefs. Sometimes I wonder if I had a personal chef if I would have less temptation as far as food. I wouldn't have to cook anything because I wouldn't be in the kitchen, I could just tell the chef to only prepare healthy meals. If ever the day comes where I have loads of money to waste away I will definitely hire a personal chef for a month to see if it makes a difference.

Day 28 - December 29th
We are coming down to the last couple days of the challenge. Im doing really well when it comes to eating a healthy breakfast and lunch. Where I am falling off is during dinner time. Im failing to meet my low carb rule and ate some white rice. Day 28 my kid also has come down with the flu and I am feeling somewhat stressed about that.

As far as the challenge ending, I have become a huge fan of these 30 day challenges as it helps me strive towards some sort of goal and its fun! I am toying around with the idea of starting the 30 day squat challenge in January. This is not to obtain a huge derriere (which is impossible for me) but to simply keep active. If I keep doing these 30 day challenges, losing a few pounds during each challenge, eventually I will have lost a large amount of weight :)  Is this too optimistic of me?

Day 29 - December 30th
Day 29, it feels like these days have gone by really fast. It was a cold day today and my kid is still sick so I made a beef tomato stew which we ate for both lunch and dinner. The stew is actually healthy the only downsides to it is that it does have white potatoes and we did eat if over rice. Carbs have been my down fall this last week. What happened? I have totally gotten lazy restricting my carbs. I do weigh less than what I started but in the back of my mind I know I could have lost a lot more if I would have stuck to my guns the whole 30 days.

Day 30 - December 31th
It’s the last day of my 30 day healthy eating challenge. During the first few weeks I did really well fighting off temptation. It’s during the last week where I fell off the wagon. My overall successes, I weigh less than where I started at the beginning of the challenge. I learned how to cook a lot of healthy meals and found a lot of favorite healthy foods (avocado, mango, tofu, my vegetable pancakes, etc.). I have experienced first hand that eating healthy has a huge impact on how my body feels.

I plan to continue to incorporate healthy meals as part of my regular routine and I will always continue to work at bettering myself. Thank you for all of those who have kept me company during my journey.

My ending weight is 154.2 I lost about a lb a week, even with slip ups near the end.

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